onsdag, oktober 08, 2008

Norröna var her!

Hmm... Orsaka. Eg havi ikki skrivað so nógv enn, men eg tosi føroyskt hvønn dag, so eg havi vant meg ofta í føroyskum síðan eg skrivaði okkurt her... Hasum skalt tú ikki stúra fyri ;)

MEN Norröna var her. Eg elski tað tá ið Norröna er í Havn, tí tá eru nógv ferðafólk við kortum og við ráðaleysum andlitsbrøgdum á gøtuni, og eg kenni meg sum innføddur :)

3 kommentarer:

Anna sagde ...

eg (want?) sum innfoduur - ok, i'm rubbish, but i tried and if it wasn't obvious you'd think I was quite good- I will udgiv my kommentar

Mitchenstein sagde ...

As you are, no doubt, the only person who reads this blog, I'll translate this one for you:

Hmm... Sorry. I haven't written very much yet, but I'm speaking Faroese every day, so I've practised a lot since I last wrote something here... So don't you worry about that ;)

BUT Norröna was here. I love it when Norröna's in Tórshavn, because the streets are full of tourists with maps and confused faces, and I feel like a native :)

But thank you for udgiving din kommentar ;) I'm not sure what you were trying to say, but Faroese is hard :D

Anna sagde ...

oh, I tought Innfoddur was like Infortour- and figured that would be sightseeing (I also tought Norrona was a very weird and unfamiliar word for parents (I tought you were basically saying that your parents where here and you had to guide them round - oh well, back to my africaans)I did get the first bit tough, at least the general gist...and I understood that you read an andacht (whats the english word for that?) from lukas evangelium...