mandag, november 24, 2008


Ok - orsaka. Eg veit, at eg ikki havi skrivað nógv her nýliga, men eg tosi føroyskt hvønn dag, og tað gongur gott (haldi eg...). Eg eri ikki ein av hasum, sum byrjar okkurt, men ongantíð heldur fram, men tí eg tosi føroyskt hvønn dag, er ikki so týdningarmikið um eg skrivi ofta her ella ikki. tá ið eg eri aftur í Onglandi, skal eg royna at skriva oftari. Eg vil ikki gloyma alt eg havi lært meðan eg havi verið her.

So, veit eg nøkur tíðindi? Hmm... nei, men lívið er gott! Síðan eg skrivaði síðstu ferð havi eg verið á Suðuroynni (tað er so fagurt har!)... og eg eri eisini eitt ár eldri, men vit tosa ikki so nógv um hatta...
Eg havi eisini lisið nógv - sjálvandi má eg lesa nógv sum phd-studentur, men eg havi eisini byrjað lesa 'føroyskar' fagrar bókmentir. Eg skrivaði 'føroyskar' tí tær fyrstu tvær bøkur hava verið útlendskar bøkur á føroyskum (eftir Mark Haddon og Henning Mankell) og nú lesi eg Salku Valku eftir Halldóri Laxness :) Og tað gongur gott!

Tað er alt eg havi at siga - eg vóni, at tit hava tað gott (tó eg eri næstan vissur um, at bara Anna lesur hesa blogguna... men eg vóni eisini, at hon hevur tað gott!).

PS: Eg havi lært eitt nýtt orð, 'skáldkoppar'. Men 'chicken pox' er eitt sindur coolari eftir míni áskoðan...

4 kommentarer:

Anna sagde ...

Me being the only one reading it doesn't make it any less important :'(

Let me see, you put that you haven't written in a while, then som estuff i'm not sure about, then about what you have been reading.. could it be that you thought you had chicken pox but then it wasn't that?

Mitchenstein sagde ...

Anna, I must say, your Faroese is getting pretty good! :D

At the end I said that I learned a new word ('skáldkoppar') which means 'chicken pox', although I think the English name is much cooler ('coolari' - although there are some people here that wouldn't be happy with me writing 'coolari'!).

Anna sagde ...

Eg havi lært = I have learnt? Oh, man, why didn't I see that?! Makes sense now that you told me ;-)

Anna sagde ...

You should really at least try to keep your bloging up here because if not you'll go back in April and you won't remember a single word! You'd be like: WHOAT? All the time and they will laugh at you - and all because you were a lazyfaroese bloger... it is sad.